Friday, November 9, 2012

Det mest spændende projekt - The Most Exciting Project

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I dag blev et vognlæs kasser kørt væk fra 2 kældre til et lagerrum med god plads. Jeg har nemlig fået en ny klient, som igennem hele sit liv har passet godt på sine ting og pakket dem i pæne plastic-kasser, når han ikke havde plads til eller brug for dem mere. Det er blevet til 90 store kasser plus det løse. Nu føler han, at det hæmmer ham fra at komme videre, og han vil have luft i sit liv, så i morgen lørdag tager vi fat på at sortere. Nogle af tingene skal sælges, noget skal gives væk og noget skal smides ud.. Jeg er der for at hjælpe rent praktisk og for at give støtte, når det bliver svært. For det bliver det. Han kommer til at gennemleve et helt liv af minder. Men det er af vitalt betydning at sige farvel og tak til ting, som man ikke behøver eller bruger, så man kan give plads til det, der kommer. Gøre klar til at leve med færre ting af kvalitet. Det bliver spændende, og jeg vil i de kommende dage fortælle jer om, hvordan det går, og hvad der sker.

Today a load full of boxes was moved from 2 basement rooms to a big warehouse. I have a new client, who all through his life has taken good care of his things and put them in nice plastic boxes, when he didn't have space or use for them anymore. It has grown into 90 big boxes plus the thing which cannot be stored in the boxes. Now he feels that all the things are restricting him, and he wants space in his life, so Saturday we start sorting everything. Some thing must be sold, some given away, and some thing will be throw out. I am there to help practically as well as when things get though, because they will be. He is going to relive a whole life of memories. But it is of vital importance to say thank you and goodbye to the things you don't need or use, so you have give room for at new kind of life with fewer quality things. It is a very exiting job, and I will keep you updated about how it goes, and what happens along the way.

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