Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mammografi eller ej? - Mammography or Not?

I morges cyklede jeg gennem et af de smukke grønne områder tæt ved min lejlighed, hvor morgendisen stadig lå flot.

Jeg skulle til hospitalet for at få foretaget en rutine scanning for brystkræft.  Man kan have mange meninger om, om vi skal undersøges for diverse sygdomme rutinemæssigt. Jeg har altid benyttet mig af det. Jeg forstår godt, at det kan afstedkomme lidt uro, og der er ret lang ventetid, før man får resultatet, men det tager jeg gerne med. Det er kun godt, hvis dårlige ting opdages i tide. Så nu vil jeg glemme alt om det, indtil brevet kommer.

This morning I went on bike through one of the beautiful green areas close to my flat, where the morning mist still was lying. 

I was going to the hospital to have a routine scanning for breast cancer. You can have all sorts om opinions about, if we should be examined for different diseases on a routine basis. I have always said yes to these offers. I understand that some people get anxious by the examinations, and there is quite a long waiting time, before you get the result, but I can live with that. It can only be good, if bad things are detected in time. So now I will forget all about it, until the letter arrives. 

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